April 1, 2010
It’s Eastertime. This morning MSN had teasers online for articles dealing with the resurrection of Jesus which of course, begs the questions of reincarnation, the existence of heaven, and people’s accounts of near-death experiences (NDEs). The MSN article can be found here: NDEs.
As I read this, I realized that what happened to me during Sammy Hagar’s concert in 2003 and in subsequent experiences since that time, were similar to what many people describe in their NDEs. (I explore this briefly in my book, DANCE OF THE ELECTRIC HUMMINGBIRD.) I wonder why our encounters appear to have so much in common.
During my experience, I was engulfed in an intense light and literally became part of a tremendous, all-encompassing love. I knew instantly, that I was in the presence of the Ultimate Truth. I also saw ethereal beings of light on more than one occasion.
Perhaps I was put into that same dimension of consciousness that people describe when experiencing an NDE, that realm from which everything springs forth—every possibility, be it the formation of someone’s (anyone’s) thought, the inception of whatever it takes for a blade of grass to decide it’s time to poke through the soil and start living again after a long winter, or the fact that I am here at my desk typing these words on my computer.
I entered that realm of Source—the Divine Source of everything, and was reborn—into an understanding of what life is supposed to be. I think God gives us clues of this everyday; all we have to do is look around us: a caterpillar builds a cocoon, later to emerge as a butterfly, and autumn ultimately gives way to spring.
Confucius said: “Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.”
Happy Spring!