Since returning from my month-long book tour recently, I hit the ground running; but it’s all been good. No, not just good, INCREDIBLE! (This is what happens when you follow the path you’re meant to travel in life.)

The weekend of June 23-25, I participated in INATS (International New Age Trade Show) in Denver. What a fantastic experience.

I did a book signing on Saturday, then got to work the booth with my publisher, Robert Friedman of Rainbow Ridge Books and his friend Beth. Bob has published many famous authors, including Richard Bach (“Jonathan Livingston Seagull”) and Neale Donald Walsch (“Conversations with God”), so to be in the company of such accomplished talent is a tremendous honor for me.

Another highlight of the weekend was speaking with representatives from the Self-Realization Fellowship based out of Los Angeles, CA, the organization pioneered by Paramahansa Yogananda, whom I wrote about in my book. I hope to visit to the center some day.
I also hooked up with the good people at and am excited to announce that they will soon be offering my book for sale through their website. (I’ll keep you posted on that.) At Satiama, they dedicate themselves to “Enhancing Life’s Journey” in many ways, so it is a thrill to have them selling my book. Please check out their website; there’s something there for everyone, including children.
I also had several people tell me that I would be very successful in my life and that I would write a lot of books. They said they saw me speaking before large audiences and that I would be a leader and an inspiration to millions! Millions! That’s hard for me to fathom.
In retrospect, I guess the most important thing I got from the three-day event was the ability to finally accept my role as a leader, a role in which I have previously felt uncomfortable and inadequate to assume, because even after all the incredible things that have happened to me, I’m still skeptical sometimes. I call it “keeping my feet on the ground.” But being around all those wonderful people energized me and made me realize that I have to stay true to my purpose in life, and that is to be ME!
And I don’t know about you, but I’m drawn like a moth to a flame to that which energizes me anyway. When it feels like it would take more effort to resist than to accept the path that seems laid out for me—that which motivates me and brings me joy—and comes to me so effortlessly, maybe that’s my first clue that God or the Universe is telling me that it may not be in my highest good to resist. And that I should trust myself to recognize what’s right for me.
Blessings of love and light.