Your Personal Journey to Self-Discovery

TMI logo photo by Baja Rock Pat

In 2003, I had an out-of-body experience (OBE) that changed my life.

Before that, I had no idea that things like that could really happen. Well, maybe if you were a monk or a nun who spent his or her entire life in meditation on a hillside in Tibet, but certainly not to an ordinary person like me who hasn’t exactly lived the life of a saint. (And I still don’t–what fun would that be?) And definitely not in the middle of a rock concert!

I won’t revisit the story. If you don’t know it, you might want to consider reading my book, DANCE OF THE ELECTRIC HUMMINGBIRD. However, since my OBE, and my search to understand such things, I’ve taken part in two 6-day programs–Gateway Voyage and Timeline–at The Monroe Institute (TMI) in Virginia. Archives about my experiences can be found here: Exploring Uncharted Legions of the MindGateway to Altered States of Consciousness and Voyage into the Mind and Limitless Possibilities.

TMI by Baja Rock Pat

These programs reinforced in me that we are so much more than our physical bodies and that there are countless other levels of consciousness and awarenesss that we can tap into at will. In fact, the possibilities are endless–we are limited only by our own minds and thoughts. Here in text, those words sound flat and essentially meaningless until you actually experience it for yourself.

Here’s your chance.

Our newly-established local chapter,TMI of Northern Colorado, meets the second Tuesday of each month to experience and discuss with like-minded people, the unlimited capabilities that we all possess, various states of consciousness, peak human potential, the power of the mind and spirit, OBEs and related topics. This chapter is affiliated with The Monroe Institute.

As founder, Robert Monroe said, “The greatest illusion is that mankind has limitations.”

From TMI’s website:

The Monroe Institute (TMI) is a non-profit research and educational organization dedicated to enhancing the uses and understanding of human consciousness.

We are not affiliated with any religion, philosophy, or spiritual practice.

We ask only that you consider the possibility that you are more than your physical body.


We use Hemi-Sync® audio technology, as developed by Robert Monroe, as well as group discussion before and after each exercise. (Disclaimer: If you have a tendency towards seizures, auditory disorders, or adverse mental condition(s), DO NOT listen to Hemi-Sync® without first consulting your physician.)

For more info on Hemi-Sync® click here: Hemi-Sync


Tuesday, Nov. 11, 2014                                                                                                   6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.

(Place and meeting time may vary from month-to-month, so please contact me at for information.)

Refreshments will be served.

Please bring stereo headphones if you have them, and a floor pillow and/or blanket if desired.

 Are you ready to change your life in profound ways? Come join us!

Walk-ins are welcome, but if you know in advance, please RSVP to                                Bring a friend!**

Questions? Feel free to post them here, or email me personally.

**If you’re new to Hemi-Sync®, I will meet with you prior to the group session to help familiarize you with the exercises and answer any questions.

(All photos of the grounds of TMI taken by Patricia Walker)

Podcast of Patricia’s Interview on The Moore Show

Kevin Moore Kevin Moore

Please join host Kevin Moore as he interviews author Patricia Walker on The Moore Show, broadcast on May 16, 2013.

Details here:

About The Moore Show: Alternative Late Night Talk

Presented by Kevin Moore, The Moore Show – Alternative Late Night Talk provides the platform from which some of the world’s greatest philosophers, paranormal researchers, life coaches, spiritual teachers and authors can communicate their work, research, observations and reflections, and infuse into our common knowledge their understanding of life and the universe.

The Moore Show will be reaching this ever-growing group of people searching for deeper understanding in their life and the universe. The guests invited on the show are experienced individuals renowned in their field, who aspire to empower and teach the viewers/listeners to search for spiritual solutions to their daily living.

In short, The Moore Show offers a safe haven for viewers/listeners tired of the same old political/celebrity/comedy/daytime talk show. Beyond entertainment, The Moore Show is about giving people back to themselves as we explore the positive changes transforming individuals, communities and cultures by starting with ‘me’.

Book Signing this Sunday, Dec. 2

What does rock star Sammy Hagar have to do with spiritual enlightenment? Or does he?

Please join us on Sunday, Dec. 2, 2012 at 2:00 pm for a book signing of DANCE OF THE ELECTRIC HUMMINGBIRD and a talk by author Patricia Walker.

In this true story, the author struggles to maintain her roles of middle-class wife and mom, while simultaneously being thrust into the explosive world of celebrities, sex, and rock ‘n roll. She confronts the incredible power of her mind and spirit and soon begins to reevaluate her perception of reality and the meaning of life with the help of recording star Sammy Hagar, former lead singer of Van Halen, one of the greatest rock bands of all time.

This is not a book merely for fans of Sammy Hagar or rock music. It is a book with a message of hope for anyone who believes there is more to life than what’s on the surface. Why live a life of beige when you can be CHARTREUSE, INDIGO, SCARLET, PERIWINKLE, BRONZE…

Sunday, Dec. 2, 2012 at 2:00 pm

Anthology Book Company                                                                                         422 E 4th St Loveland, CO  80537                                                                       970.667.0118

Anthology Book Company serves wonderful latte, literature, and enlightenment in a comfortable and warm atmosphere.

Hope you’ll join us!




Autographed Copies of DANCE OF THE ELECTRIC HUMMINGBIRD Now Available!

You asked for it, you GOT it!

We are pleased to announce that we are now offering for purchase, copies of Dance of the Electric Hummingbird: An Ordinary Woman’s Accidental Journey to Enlightenment, the Supernatural, and Rock Star Sammy Hagar personalized and autographed by the author. You can order them right here on

Information can be found on the “My Book” “Ordering Information” tab or by clicking HERE.


Questions? Contact me at

Thank you.

10 Things You Can Do RIGHT NOW to Have a Mystical Experience

Baja Rock Pat

I’m often asked, “What can others do to have a mystical experience?”

It is a valid and important question. Spiritual awakening or mystical experience, realizing God, the Divine, or one’s purpose in life are spiritual longings inherent to many of us. And lately, it’s becoming more and more apparent that a lot of us are in fact, having these types of experiences. But what about those who desperately yearn for something like this and it just isn’t happening? Can one make it happen? Are there exercises one can do? Or dogma one can follow to ensure communication with the Divine that resides in each of us?

The answer is no. First of all, there is no one dogma that will satisfy everyone. We all have different spiritual needs and lessons and we do not all comprehend in the same way. You would not explain how to bake a cake using the same words you’d use when talking to a four-year-old as you would to an adult, now would you? Of course not.

But that doesn’t mean that just because there’s no tried-and-true set of rules you can follow to find your answers that you are left completely to the mercy of luck or fate. There are certain things you can do right now to help open yourself to the possibility.

Here are my suggestions:

1. MEDITATE – Even if it’s just for 10 or 15 minutes a day, meditation helps you disconnect from the endless chatter of the outside world (and more importantly, your own ego chatter) and allows you to open the channels of communication with your Higher Self–that part of you that connects you with God. And you don’t have to follow an elaborate ritual either; all you have to do is sit quietly and breathe. More about this in a forthcoming post.

2. GET OUT IN NATURE – Take a walk in the park or around the block and allow the sights, the sounds, the scents and the experiences of nature to surround you. If you’re able to spend even more time outdoors, such as camping, hiking, horseback riding, boating, gardening, etc., so much the better. Sometimes just sticking your toes in the sand or going barefoot in summer grass can recharge your spirit. The important thing is to absorb what is around you: take a deep breath and really notice the scents, sounds and sights; feel them as they nourish your spirit.

3. OPEN YOUR HEART AND YOUR MIND – Although this sounds easier than it is, meditation can help a great deal in this area. New experiences cannot get “in” to a closed mind. In the practice of Zen, there is a state of consciousness referred to as “Beginner’s Mind.” It is something we are all supposed to strive for. It means that we should approach each experience as though it were something we’d never encountered before. It is in this state that we can know the true blessing of each moment.

4. LOOK FOR JOY IN YOUR LIFE – Take a few moments right now and jot down five things that bring you joy.They don’t have to be things that cost money, they can be simple things like spending more time with your family. And don’t forget to list your hobbies because when you lose yourself in your hobbies, believe it or not, it’s at that moment that your mind is truly in a meditative state and you probably don’t even realize it!

I’ll make it easier for you. List your five things here:






Now work toward incorporating more of those things into your life.

If this seems like an insignificant suggestion, don’t be fooled. It is powerful. It will change your life. But you have to follow through; that which brings you joy is the gateway to the realization of the purpose of your life.

5. RECORD YOUR DREAMS – Maybe you’re longing for improved health, a red Ferrari, a chance to compete in the Olympics, or whatever, and that’s great, but you have to actually do something to help instigate the process. Here’s a place to start: imagine your goal in intricate detail, as much detail as possible. See what it looks like in the palm of your hand, feel what it feels like to have achieved that goal–the great amount of joy it brings you, and feel your gratitude to God, the Universe and Self that accompanies the realization of your goal. Describe how it tastes and how it smells, and what sounds you notice as you attain your dream. Note how your life has changed because of it. Then write it down. By putting into words your hopes and dreams, you are setting the molecules in motion to help manifest these things into your life. And the more explicit you can be when you imagine them, the better.

Besides recording your dreams on paper, voice recorder or computer, another way to do this is to cut out pictures that show people doing the things you want to do (or have). Then paste them onto a poster board near your computer or work-space where you can see it every day. In the Bible, Jesus said, “Ask and it shall be given unto you.” So while you’re asking, why not EXPECT THE BEST? If you always settle for less because you’ve convinced yourself that that’s all you deserve, then that’s all you’ll get. On the other hand, if you look for the best, you will find it. Or I should say, it will find you.

One of my favorite quotes is by Les Brown. He said, “Shoot for the moon! Even if you miss it, you will land among the stars!”


The dreams you have while asleep are important too but they sometimes arrive in codes that make sense only to you. However, if you write them down on a regular basis, after a while you’ll begin to see a pattern emerge. This is another way the voice of your Higher Self communicates with you. It’s up to you whether to listen or not, but if your life isn’t going as well as you’d hoped, what have you got to lose by listening to your Higher Self?

6. LISTEN TO YOUR BODY – How many times have you gotten on an elevator when the only other person in the elevator was a person who gave you the creeps? You feel the tension in your body and your gut says, “Something about this situation doesn’t feel right,” but you push that thought away, telling yourself you’re being ridiculous. Then you hop on the elevator anyway, in spite of the warnings from your body. This is how people get hurt. Or worse. Better to look like an idiot than to have something bad happen.

Shamanism teaches that when you become familiar with your own body’s messages, you also become more in tune with your Higher Self. So the next time you’re pondering what to do in a given situation, ask your body! Try on each solution like a big, fluffy coat and see which one feels best. The key here, is to allow your body to speak and not to impose your will upon the message.

The first lesson I learned in martial arts was that before proceeding with anything, you should make a quick survey of the situation and if something didn’t feel right, it probably wasn’t. The best defense is not to knowingly put yourself in harm’s way and to be aware of your surroundings and of what your body is telling you. Nine times out of ten you can avoid confrontation this way.

7. WATCH FOR SIGNS – This goes along with the previous suggestion of being aware. Not only can you avoid danger this way, you will also begin to notice little nuances that lie beneath the surface that may otherwise have gone unnoticed.

The day after my mother’s funeral, I looked out my window and there were about 20 flickers (a type of woodpecker) on our tree in the backyard. I thought it rather odd, then called my neighbor to see if she was experiencing the same thing. She wasn’t. She came over to see all the flickers and by the time she arrived a few minutes later, my entire backyard–along with the trees and houses of my nearby neighbors–was black with robins. The flickers were gone, but I didn’t see them fly away. Nor did I see the robins arrive. At the time I was still in shock over the death of my mother and it barely registered in my brain that this was something unusual. However, I couldn’t escape the feeling that the robins were trying to be near me because as I looked out the window, they kept landing on the gutter outside right above my face and when I opened the door and stepped outside, they didn’t even try to fly away.They just sat there staring at me. Thousands of them.

There are signs like this around us all the time. And by paying more attention and giving them more credence, we open our minds, thereby allowing a new set of awareness to enter. (And meditation will help you notice these things as you’ve never noticed them before.)

8. BELIEVE! – NOTHING is impossible. “How do you know?” you may ask. I know because the impossible happened to me. And it’s still happening. I also learned that what we believe is more important than any sort of scientific justification. I learned this the hard way because every time I tried to disprove or validate my supernatural and mystical experiences, it always turned out to be a complete waste of my time. So trust your heart. You know the truth.

9. NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER GIVE UP! – There’s a Japanese proverb that says, “If you fall down seven times, get up eight!” Yes! Maybe all you have to do is turn the next corner and you will find what you’re looking for. However, you’ll never find it if you don’t keep walking. Remember, NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE. It’s only our minds that tell us so. Our minds and spirits are powerful tools, but like anything else, when we learn to use them properly, we can accomplish so much more!

10. LET GO IN ORDER TO GAIN CONTROL – Sounds like a paradox, doesn’t it? But my entire book is about this very concept. I wasn’t looking for a mystical experience when it happened. It found me. And I have discovered that the more I try to force things, the more resistant they become. That’s often because we are looking in the wrong place for our answers. Our answers (and God) aren’t “out there”; they’re inside of us, and as long as we keep looking “out there”, we won’t find what we’re looking for. When I step back from my ego mind–that part of me that thinks it’s in charge and will fight to the death to maintain that position–and allow things to come to me, that’s when the magic happens. Every time. This too, is easier said than done, but it is important. It’s the same as the expression “Let go and let God.”

I know all these things because I lived them. The circumstances in my life arranged themselves in such a manner that it was as if I had no choice but to abide by their principles. Technically, yes, I had a choice, I always have a choice, but in this instance, my mind and spirit would not allow me to choose to go against the very truths I had sought my entire life and suddenly discovered had been deposited at my feet. The interesting part is that they revealed themselves to me backwards. I was living them before I understood what was happening to me, i.e., I was enjoying the finished meal (which I had somehow unknowingly prepared) but I had to figure out the recipe if I cared at all to understand or explain how I was able to make such a splendid meal in the first place!

So, this is my advice to you. Open your eyes. Open your heart. Be aware of what’s around you. Listen. Taste. Breathe. Love. Laugh. Trust yourself. Allow–and the magic will find you.

Pat’s Guest Appearance on “Positively Incorrect Radio” with Scott Cluthe Now Online

Listen to the podcast from Dec. 6, 2011 on “Postively Incorrect Radio,” as host Scott Cluthe and Pat Walker discussed Pat’s new book, “Dance of the Electric Hummingbird,” focusing on Pat’s escape from an abusive marriage in her early 20s, to–as Cluthe put it, “a rock and roll mama” befriended by rock star Sammy Hagar–and the roles that mysticism, religion, sex, and God played in Pat’s incredible journey to self-realization. 

To listen, please click the photo above. 

We would love to hear your feedback. How did you like the podcast? What questions would you have asked?

Thank you for your continued support.


Oct. 21, 2009j0395952The other day, a man I’d never met before asked me what my book was about.

“It’s supernatural; it’s spiritual—about a mystical experience I had in the middle of a concert that changed my life. It also involves a famous rock star…” I started to say.

As I spoke, I noticed that the man, an older gentleman dressed in a biker’s vest with the word “VET” sewn onto it, was attempting to disguise the look of disappointment spreading across his face.

“Supernatural is different than spiritual,” he said, stuffing his hands in his pockets and backing off a bit.

“No, I had an out of body experience…” I continued, and this time as I tried to explain it to him, I used the word “God.”

His eyes lit up and he moved closer. “God isn’t supernatural; God is natural. He is everything.”

“Oh yes! It’s everything!” I grinned, feeling joy moving into all my internal organs.

The man went on to tell me that he too, had had an out of body experience. “The Holy Spirit came to me as I lay dying in a hospital bed.”

“How did you know it was the Holy Spirit?” I asked him. “Did you see it?”

He gestured an arc around himself. “No, I felt it all around me.”


He explained that the Holy Spirit told him it wasn’t his time to die yet and it would show him what to do to keep on living. “I was completely at peace and felt the presence of God,” he said. And the more he talked, the more I realized that that was exactly what had happened to me six years ago in Cabo.

When I told him the details of my experience, he suddenly became very excited about my book and wanted to know more.

What had initially misled him was my use of the word “supernatural,” which obviously had a different meaning to him than it does to me.


PH02426J defines “semantics” as: “the language used to achieve a desired effect on an audience, especially through the use of words with novel or dual meanings.”

How then, do I get past semantics so as not to mislead or confuse people? According to the experts, I’m supposed to be able to describe my book in one or two sentences. Yeah, right. It takes me a paragraph at best. Maybe I just haven’t found the right words yet, or maybe it’s just the nature of my subject, I don’t know.

If I say my book is spiritual, or that it involves God, it gives the connotation that it’s religious and some may be turned off by this, as rock ‘n’ roll and religion don’t necessarily blend well.

If I use the words “supernatural,” “paranormal,” “mystical,” “metaphysical,” or “psychic,” some may immediately assume that my book is occult in nature and look at me as if I’ve lost my marbles.

If I say it’s about a famous rock star, people might think it’s a shallow account of a fan gushing over a celebrity. Even I wouldn’t read a book like that!

So how do I describe ecstasy in God, a supernatural force, psychic experiences, out-of-body realms, otherworldly connections, rock stars, self-realization and the utmost joy, in one or two sentences in order to convey the fact that I am describing one thing that encompasses all of these? These components are the means that led me to my personal definition of what God is—the realization of the ultimate perfection, the ultimate everything. It also matters not if one believes in God—self-realization is available to everyone.

Since my experience, I’ve met several people, the Veteran included, who have told me that they too, have had experiences similar to mine. And I’ve read a lot of books that say this too: “Conversations with God” by Neale Donald Walsch, “The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle to name a few.

These people all describe the same feelings and emotions involved in their mystical moment and many say it changed their lives.

Author Maxwell Steer writes:

“Mystical experience may be defined as being an ‘infinite intimacy’, a sense of fulfilment in which the subject is simultaneously aware of the limitless nature of the Universe and yet of hir (sic) intimate relationship to a force sensible as an identifiable personality. It is simultaneously the experience of everything and nothing, of knowing all yet being empty, of hearing within silence all sound. Different religious traditions identify this state individually – nirvana, mushín, Shambhala, Buddhahood, mystical union, alchemical marriage, shekinah – yet it can be seen as a common goal of all esoteric teaching, an experience of oneness beyond the world of duality. It need not even occur in a religious context. To me those very rare moments of total understanding that can arise in connection with works of art are clearly in the same category – that clarity of vision and sense of contact with some archetypal personality… some archetypal source of consciousness that transcends rational knowledge.”

And while we report similar experiences, each person’s manner of expressing what happened to them is slightly different, because each person is unique in their perception of the world around them. It’s like describing the color purple—one person might call it “lilac,” while another says “lavender,” and another expresses it using the word “plum” or “violet.”

But it’s still the same color.




A Gift to the World

April 15, 2009

If you haven’t yet listened to Susan Boyle’s incredible performance, I urge you to do so. You are missing out on a source of profound magic.


And after you have listened, ask yourself how you felt when she sang. What emotions did it bring out in you?

Why do you think you felt that way?

What did you think when you first saw ther? Did you think this plain, middle-aged woman who had never been kissed, who lived with her cat, was a cliché for “loser?”

After her performance and she walked offstage, she was told that she’d been given the biggest “YES!” in the history of the show. Susan’s response was, “Oh my God! Oh my God!”

What were you feeling then?

Picture yourself in that scene. Can you feel the pure elation?

Like the spectators in the video, I felt an initial skepticism by Susan’s outward appearance. However, when she began to sing, my opinion of her changed instantly.Zen skyscrapper

Similarly when I listened to paraplegic triathlete Trish Downing talk about her accomplishments, I no longer noticed her wheelchair.

The same was true for my opinion of myself and my opinion of life when I had my mystical experience during Sammy Hagar’s concert. The moment my heart was opened, my life changed instantly. And like Susan’s beautiful voice and Trish’s beautiful spirit, I saw something beautiful in myself—things I’d never given myself credit for or permission for. I also saw clearly, the beauty in all of life.

Susan Boyle’s voice has enriched me. I don’t think she would have been such a sensation if she had been an attractive young girl in a designer dress. Her drab appearance was part of her charm. As she sang, it brought tears to my eyes and a lump to my throat. If she hadn’t given herself permission to be herself, to get up onstage and share her remarkable talent, my life would be diminished. I wouldn’t even have realized that the light she’d had to share was missing.

We all have a talent like this. It is the key to self-realization. And it brings with it, the same joy Susan experienced that day. The same joy we felt when she sang.

We are awaiting your song.