The madness… the magic… the music…

March 29, 2009

From the perspective of someone who has seen Sammy Hagar in concert more times than I can count, I can tell you his appeal is something that can only be appreciated by watching him perform live. His recordings are great; there are some I like more than others, but they don’t come close to the fever he generates between himself and his fans while he’s onstage.

Sammy tours all over the world, but he also does an annual week-long series of concerts in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico to celebrate his birthday in October.

No matter where he performs, Sammy includes the audience as part of every show. From the front row to the back, he’s in your face. He sweats on you, throws tequila on you, shares his drinks with you. Sometimes he pulls you onstage with him or holds the mic for you to sing a few words. (Which isn’t always a good thing in my case.) You never know what to expect.

He signs everything the fans offer—from bare body parts to album covers, posters and tee shirts.

His concerts are not just concerts; they’re wild, explosive parties, sometimes complete with confetti and balloons. Always with tequila.

Sammy Hagar in concert by Baja Rock Pat


Sammy Hagar Cabo Wabo by D. Walker

Considering all the concerts by various big name rock or blues bands I’ve attended in my life, I have never seen anything like Sammy’s shows. At 61, Sammy has the energy of a 20-year-old. And when I’m in the audience, he makes me feel 20 again too.

During every show, between songs, Sammy talks to the crowd as if they are his best friends.

He has said more than once, “I know most of you on a first-name basis!”

It’s true.

He tells the audience things about his personal life in graphic detail.

The first time I heard this, I was shocked, but at the same time, I liked it. He was so bad… he was so good. He was genuine and didn’t care who didn’t like it.

Even now, he never fails to surprise me.

In interview after interview, Sammy reiterates how much his fans mean to him. In song after song, he sings about pursuing happiness and treating others the way you want to be treated. He strives to make people happy and show them a good time. And he succeeds.

Why else would middle-aged men and women—doctors, truck drivers, homemakers and insurance salesmen use their hard-earned money to fly to Mexico, spend entire nights sleeping on the cobblestone sidewalk merely for the chance to get tickets to see Sammy perform? It’s insane!

Sammy Hagar Cabo Line 2006

Sammy Hagar's Cabo Wabo 2006

You have to see Sammy in concert to understand.

More Questions About Mystical Experience

March 28, 2009j0433443

How does one know if they’ve had a mystical experience?

This is like asking “Is your skin wet when you get out of the shower?”

Believe me, you’ll know. There is no mistaking it. You will never be the same again. After it has taken place, a love greater than anything that could originate from our limited human existence surges out of you. This love is not only directed toward others, but toward yourself as well.

That’s the part I found hardest to understand after the dust settled. It has always been easy for me to love others, but when it came to loving myself, it was a different story.

The moment I had my mystical experience, I knew something incredible had taken place because I suddenly loved and accepted myself just the way I am and it was fine to be me. No excuses. It was divine.

 What can I do to make myself have a mystical experience?

You can’t make yourself have a mystical experience. When your soul is ready, it will happen. According to D.T. Suzuki:

When [the] mind is matured for satori [enlightenment] it tumbles over one everywhere. An inarticulate sound, an unintelligent remark, a blooming flower, or a trivial incident such as stumbling is the condition or occasion that will open [the] mind to satori. Apparently, an insignificant event produces an effect which in importance is altogether out of proportion. The light touch of an igniting wire, and an explosion follows which will shake the very foundation of the earth…When the mind is ready for some reasons or others, a bird flies, or a bell rings and you at once return to your original home; that is, you discover your now real self.

There are however, certain things you can do to help open yourself to the possibility. I will write a future post about this.

Is it possible to have a mystical experience without my knowing it has occurred?

No chance. It can certainly happen without your expecting it; it can happen without your input, but you will know if and when it does.

What is a Mystical Experience?

March 24, 2009


What is the meaning of my life?
Is there really such a thing as God?

If you find yourself asking these questions, you’re not alone. I’ve wondered the same things all my life. In 2003, I found the answers; not by looking for them but through a mystical experience that sought me.

According to merriam-webster, the term mysticism means “the experience of mystical union or direct communion with ultimate reality.” It refers to an incident of connection to God, the Divine Source, the Most High or whatever term one feels comfortable calling It, accompanied by a feeling of inner peace and unimaginable bliss. It’s as if the experience itself has been orchestrated by a higher intelligence, something separate, yet inextricably entwined with one’s deepest sense of Being.

From a psychological standpoint, in “Body Mind Spirit,” K. Ramakrishna Rao describes it thus:

“Religious experience, the mystic experience, the peak experience, and all paranormal experiences may have one thing in common. They are the encounters with consciousness as such, pure consciousness in which there is no subject-object distinction … but a transformational process that often results in remarkable behavioral changes and beliefs and sometimes translates itself into informational content.”

How can I explain it so that you too, can know? I can’t, but I can give you a taste:

Have you ever felt the wonder of gazing at the stars on a warm summer night and thought about all the people over eons of time who might also have witnessed them?

Have you considered that the concept of time may be nothing but illusion or had the feeling that you’ve been here before?

Have you relished the sensation of freedom when taking off your shoes and socks and burrowing your bare feet into powdery, warm sand?

Have you known a sense of smallness as you stood at the base of a mighty glacier and questioned what a responsibility it would be to be a glacier? Or pondered what the  glacier knew that you didn’t?

Have you ever strained your ears to hear the messages these things have been trying to tell you?

These are the flavors of mystical experience.

Have you appreciated the tiny eyelashes of a newborn baby or felt the fragile hand of an elderly person with its paper-thin skin, blue veins rising just below the surface? Knowing your grip could easily crush that frail hand, your instinct instantly acts to protect something so tender and vulnerable.

Have you ever fallen so deeply into art where you are no longer conscious of where your identity ends and the identity of the artist and the work itself begins?

These moments are the first steps on the path to mystical experience.